Scopul evenimentului este dezvoltarea capacității de a lucra în echipă:asumare de roluri, împărțirea sarcinilor de lucru, faptul ca fiecare trebuie sa fie activ, altfel este afectată toată echipa, etc. Activitatea are 3 etape:
Adaugat de: Andrei Popescu
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.