How to reach us


The National Agency for Community Programs in the Field of Education and Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP)

Splaiul Independenței, no. 313, Biblioteca Centrală a Universității "Politehnica" București, Corp A, etaj 1

Sector 6, 060042, Bucuresti, Romania.

See map below for location.


The list of the contact details (email addresses and telephone numbers) of our employees, structured by departments and responsibilities, is available in the section Our team.

Working  hours

Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM, except for public holidays.

Map for location


13 Aprilie 2022

Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021

24 Noiembrie 2020

Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.

13 Aprilie 2022

Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021

24 Noiembrie 2020

Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.

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