We transform

What we stand for

We strongly believe in our vocation as a public institution and we understand that transformation is done step by step, learning together from one another as equal partners. We know that investing in education is the most important pillar in our development as citizens and Europeans, even if the results are seen in the medium and long term. With the help of our collaborators - inspectors, trainers, multipliers - we have created support mechanisms through which those interested in receiving funding can receive advice and training. Because...

Our vision

Is that together with all our beneficiaries and partners

We transform Romania through learning.

Our mission

We manage European financing programs that support the national program of changing communities, attitudes and mentalities for the better. We therefore focus on the quality of projects, people and results.

Our values

  • Integrity/honesty
  • Pride of belonging to a team
  • Vocation of public body (in the sense of contributing to the common good)
  • Professionalism
  • Cohestion
  • Courage
  • Involvement

How do we implement our vision, mission and values?

  • we manage European funds in the fields of education, vocational training and youth
  • we support organisations and persons in their growth process
  • we encourage and support partnerships, the exchange of experieces, good practices and know how
  • we build and change attitudes and mentalities
  • we adopt and promote the European values and we integrate the Romanian values in a European context
  • we promote a culture of excellence

The strategic objectives of ANPCDEFP are

  • the efficient implementation of the managed financing programmes
  • the maintenence/improvement of the quality management system
  • the effective relationships between ANPCDEFP and the interested stakeholders

13 Aprilie 2022

Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021

24 Noiembrie 2020

Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.

13 Aprilie 2022

Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021

24 Noiembrie 2020

Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.

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