Activitatea se va desfasura sub forma unui open space, iar elevii vor avea sansa sa lucreze in echipe sa colaboreze si sa coopereze. Activitatea va urmari sa evidentieze diferentele dintre cele doua tipuri de invatare formala si nonformala, iar elevii vor constientiza imporanta acestor tipuri de educatie in viata lor. De asemenea, vor fi organizate jocuri care vor urmari invatarea experientiala. La activitate vor fi implicati elevi ai Scolii Gimnaziale George Poboran Slatina. Prof.responsabil VLAD EUGENIA-IOANA, ALEXANDRU BISCOVEANU, PRUNA LAVINIA, ANCA ARGESEANU, CARMEN JIANU, CARMEN NEDELCU.
Adaugat de: Andrei Popescu
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.