Alaturi de elevi de gimnaziu, clasa pregatitoare C va porni intr-o calatorie prin Europa, cu ajutorul robotelului Ozobot Edu. Intr-o activitate transdisciplinara, copiii vor invata sa descifreze codurile de programare prestabilite ale robotului educational, vor descoperi lucruri interesante despre Europa si vor crea un traseu al prieteniei.
Adaugat de: Magda Cojocea
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.
Most important data regarding the NA activity in 2021
Erasmus accreditation is a way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus+ programme. Accreditation is like a membership card for organisations who want to benefit from Erasmus mobility activities.